04 January 2002

MiniatureZone Gallery Archives (2000 - 2006) - Christopher Holland - "I spy with my little eye.......BOFORS"

This article is one of many articles and gallery contributions from fellow amateur smallscale enthusiasts all over the world that appeared on the old MiniatureZone website during the first six years its existence when there were only a handful of websites dedicated to smallscale models and wargaming. 

If you've been around on the internet since back then, we hope you like the nostalgia, and if you´re a newcomer, hope you enjoy looking too.

MiniatureZone Gallery Archives (2000 - 2006) - Christopher Holland - "I spy with my little eye.......BOFORS"

When I did my military service in Sweden I served with a company using the radar guided Bofors 40 mm anti-aircraft gun.

So when I returned to the modeling world I just had to build this kit.

The kit is Airfix 40 mm Bofors gun and Morris CD/SW 30 cwt. 6X4 Tractor.

I used the decals for a anti-aircraft unit in North Africa and placed the kit on a piece of desert...
The Swedish army has now scrapped their Bofors 40 mm system and rely mainly on anti-aircraft

Copyright 2002 Christopher Holland, Sweden

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